Thursday 7 May 2015

Upcoming event

I am making this blog totally different.
It will be my walk and journey with Christ.
The miracles and knowledge I gain.

I have written down the prophecies God has revealed onto me, as witness.
So that when I start walking in the Lord, these things I published on those days will be my witness!

When I start delivering people, healing people, I am not the one doing them but my Father in me.
I will start sharing things I perceive in the spiritual kingdom, because I AM already prophecied to reveal these things to me.

There is an event coming up in Bristol and Leicester which I will attend this May 26, 27 and May 28, 29.

Bristol Healing Meetings
May 26 & 27 2015
11am -3pm & 5pm - 8pm
Holy Trinity Church Centre
Broad Croft, Bradley Stoke
Bristol- BS32 0BD

Leicester Healing Meetings
May 28 & 29 2015
11am -3pm & 5pm -8pm
Mayflower Methodist Church
Ethel Road, Leicester LE5 5ND

Why am I laying down all these works and evidence? because humans are ignorant!
They see truth and they don't want to believe it.
I know when I grow in the Lord, he shall make me big (you are witnesses for reading these).
And when I do grow big and do great and mighty things, many Christians will reject me, hate me and call me false. Even your great grand-children will reject me if they do not learn in the truth.

So when I am fully established, the questions I will answer, I will point towards my evidences I leave as trails, even to this blog.
So that when they read this, THEY CANNOT DENY the truth!

This event that will be happening will be a power up event for me!
I shall feel the presence and power of God never than before. This will be my awakening to my start up.

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