Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Prophecy #16

17 sunday Jan 2016 | 18:33pm
Our service starts 3pm and finishes 5pm, clearing up and prayer takes time till 6pm
Pastor Antyonsil prayed for me

I brought one uncle to the church, mr Singh, he was affected by witch craft. I had to walk with him half way home, for discreet reasons.
It was very close that evening!
While I was almost close to the church, I noticed both of my foot were extremely numb!
I thought it was the cold, but it was actually the presence of God heavily upon me.
Because while the pastor was praying for me, heavy presence of God was so on me ever before.
In fact earlier before church while I was sleeping on my bed.
I noticed my whole body went numb, and I knew the presence of God was around in my room.
Somehow I had a feeling Jesus was standing outside my door, (just a thought feeling), but I was too tired to wake up:/

New creation take over, to destroy old creation.All the power and authority has been given onto me, New creation taken over (x5)You are the overcomer, you are the overcomer. And the victory of God already established in you.Everybody that you put the hand on, the power of God will take them over....This is the sign, the power taken over you, is taken over your sister right now.
This is the power, when you release don't think nothing is going. This is the power, this is the power, this is the power of God!

If only I recorded it, you will understand.
I think I will ask a brother to record the prayer from now on.
The presence was just so on me, I felt dizzy, kept falling down.

Prophecy #15

10 Jan 2016 | 18:33pm

After church service
Pastor Antonysil prayed for me

Don't take it lightly, the anointing which is upon you, is a kingly anointing.God has anointed you to rule and reign.And you will restore my children, back to my plan, back to my creation, back to my perfection.
The relationship will increase, relationship will increase, relationship will increase.Everything in the relationship, even if you want that relationship to increase, even if you want the relationship increase, but the knowledge of God must increase.That will affect the relationship.
And you and Me will have a great relationship, (is God is saying)That relationship will take you to the nations, to the nations. Today you are nobody, but there's a times are coming, times are coming, times are coming. Even from your father's eyes, even from your family as you are nothing. But days are coming, days are coming, days are coming, the days are coming.You are the house on a mountain. And on the mountain everybody will see, everybody will see. EVERYBODY WILL SEE.

As you can see, all the set up.
Therefore all these blogs are just evidence and tracks of seeing how all these things will unfold.
100% many baby Christians will call me fake preacher, false prophets and liars in the future.
So these blogs are evidence for them. our brothers and sisters are the ones going against the body of Christ, yet Atheist don't even do this!

Prophecy #14

3rd Jan 2016 | 18:20pm
After church service.
Pastor Antonysil prayed for me.

The powers of God are taking over you,
Not only is taking over me where ever you go, it is a promise of God
Wherever you go, whatever you do, The Powers of God, the Miracles of God, the Wonders of God will take over you.
Have mindful of Him, knowing that He is there to perform the miracle.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Prophecy #13

After 31st 2015, and into 1st 2016, my pastor Antonysil Abraham prayed for me after church service.
This is what Father/God/Jesus/Holy Spirit had to reveal through pastor.

Friday 1st January 2016, 2:41am

"This is your year! Where apostles failed to do the miracle, to deliver the epilepsy person....
When they failed and Jesus came and delivered for them, and now onwards wherever you go
when you think there you are failing to do the miracle,
there you will see the God's Authority, God's Hand, God's Power, they will take over that situation, that place. So that you will see the miracle of God.
This is your year, you will go in the supernatural, MORE, MORE!"

God will do great and mighty thing this year!
Expect, expect, EXPECT
I will be expecting: Signs and Wonders, greater healings! and deliverance of people in oppression!

No one gets the glory here, not my pastor, not me, but God alone gets the glory!

Prophecy #12

After church, my pastor prayed for me.

27 December 2015, 18:38pm
"Destroy........every work of the enemy
GO! I sent you!
GO, I sent you, to destroy every work of the enemy.
To destroy every work of the enemy
I have assigned you, to destroy every work of the enemy
I am with you, GO and deliver my people.
My people, my people.
I have assigned you to deliver my people, go and deliver!"

Every works of the enemy must be destroyed now!
Now I should not just be doing Healing alone, now I have to break and destroy every works, weapons, bondage, yoke and grip of the enemy from my Father's people/children.